Middle School & Mittens

Middle school is great!

No, that wasn’t a joke! I know I’ve talked about middle school a lot on my blog, but it’s my first year and I’m filling it out. (Not that I have a choice about going or not… not that I wouldn’t if I did… would I??) Besides, it’ll be cool in a few years to look back on my past middle school blogs just like it is looking back at my “3rd grade blogs.”

Quotes like “Middle school is the armpit of life” are so wrong! (This scared me so bad on the first day of middle school!) I’ve learned to follow the rules, hold my tongue when it comes to gossip, roll my eyes at catty cliques, and find my close circle of friends. It’s all good! 🙂 True, I’ve had the occasional (no comment …. ) C or D every once in a while, but I’ll admit, it’s because I didn’t take the liberty of looking through my notes the night before. Hey, I’ve managed to get all A’s this past quarter, and I still make time for my cat!

Speaking of Mittens…. I found him on my bed this afternoon. Isn’t he adorable?! I really do love him. I love to bury my face in his fur and kiss him goodnight. He’s slept with me in my room the past two nights, and although he puts his FREEEZZZING cold nose under my shirt and drools all over my comforter, I love cuddling with him. Sometimes, after a long day at school, I feel like Mittens is the only one who isn’t a drama-lama. (Including myself.) Except for the whining for food, cuddles, or for someone to let him outside, he’s pretty mellow. I feel like he’s getting to his “wise old age” when he’s all “Yes, I remember when I was dressed in doll clothes… was it the little one who put hair gel in my fur…. and the big one who got a zhu-zhu pet stuck in my tail… ah, the good ole’ days…” Well, Mittens, there are still more to come. Perhaps less traumatizing for you, but I googled it and cats can live up to about 18 years. Still plenty more good ole’ days for you, mellow kitty.


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