Let it Go


I really like this song – “Let it Go,” from Frozen. (It’s a new Disney movie I saw a few weeks ago with my family.) Not only do I adore Elsa (the girl in the picture above who sings the song in the movie), I really love the song. Sometimes I become obsessed with a song and listen to it over and over again until I get bored with it, and I have to download it onto my Kindle. I really like music, especially songs that go perfect with the scene. You know, I think the only thing I don’t like about books is there’s no music. I love it in movies when there’s the perfect background music, or if it’s a musical and there’s a song to go along with the scene.


In Frozen, Elsa has a power she was born with and anything she touches becomes frozen. The problem is, as she gets older, it gets worse and more powerful, so she has to stay hidden in her room – away from her younger sister, Ana, in order to keep from hurting her and freezing her heart. I completely understand her dilemma – I’d want to keep my sister safe, too, but there’s nothing she can do about the curse, so she has to stay away from people, and conceal her hands with gloves. In the scene she sings the song, she has just run away from her coronation and is singing about letting everything go. (Obviously, the song is called Let it Go! :))


Sometimes I wish I could just let it go. Of course, letting it go doesn’t always have to involve yelling (or in this case, singing!), or being angry. Just letting the simplest of things (sometimes they can still really get to you, though), go is good. Like… not letting what others think of you bother so much. To be completely honest, I worry a lot about what other people think about me. I really like this song because it describes how I feel at times. When I’m feeling angry or upset, I listen to music and write because both can describe what I’m feeling.


I just wanted to post this because I think that sometimes it’s good to just let things go, and not let it (whatever it is), bother you so much. Stand strong despite whatever it bothering you and let it go. I always feel a lot better when I get something that’s really weighing me down off my chest!


Ephesians 4:31-32

Let all the wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving of one another, as God in Christ forgave you.


This entry was posted in Emily.

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