A Stressful Week

I can’t believe I made it. I made it through the week! Part of me feels like this week flew by, and the other part of me feels like it dragged on, and on, and on…. I’ve been missing my library book for the past two weeks (it’s due this coming Tuesday!), and worse, I lost my purse Wednesday and I’ve looked everywhere I can think of for it! Not in the band room, gym, any of my classes, or the bus. What am I going to do?? 

I also had all week to do this project for math, but I missed math class Monday because of the orthodontist, and so I didn’t understand what to do, and then didn’t realize I didn’t understand it until Wednesday. Then I forgot to ask my math teacher during third period and so the whole thing turned into a last minute project, even though I have until Monday to finish it. (Sigh!) But as it turns out, I forgot several parts and so I have to start all over this weekend!

Then I’ll try to search my house for my library book and wait until Monday to make various visits all around the school, asking everyone if they’ve seen my purse. Boy, am I glad there’s not any money in it!! (For once I’m seeing the good in spending all my money the week before and not having any left!) But then again, if my library book is lost, I’ll have to pay for it – (this is KILLING ME HERE – I CANNOT have an overdue, LOST library book on my record, especially since I help out in the library in the mornings. I have a clean record, and it CANNOT be ruined with a dumb lost library book!!!) I really came home and just cried and laid on the couch with my mom and watched an episode of Seventh Heaven. Phew.

And then there’s my purse, and my messed up math homework, and the only bright spot in my week looks like Sunday! (I have to finish my homework Saturday.) Sunday night I’m going to the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular, with some friends. My music teacher was selling tickets on sale, and it sounds cool! I’m excited! 🙂

As long as I can find my purse and library book, my slate will be clean, and then I only have one more week until Thanksgiving break!! Happy Friday!

~ Emily

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